Man on a treadmill - The One Thing You Need to Do To Grow a Lawn Mowing Business Fast

So you want to grow a lawn mowing business Fast?

Great! You want to grow a lawn mowing business and be your own boss, set your own hours, and make some extra cash.

But there’s one thing you should know before you take the plunge: it’s going to be hard. Really hard. Why?

Because you’re going to be doing it all by yourself.

When you’re first starting out, you won’t have any employees or partners to help you with the day-to-day running of the business.

That means everything—from finding customers and marketing your business to actually mowing the lawns—is going to be up to you. And trust us, it’s not as easy as it looks.

The usual method.

When I started mowing lawns, I made it up as I went along.

All l wanted to do was grow a lawn mowing business

Whenever I did something new, I hardly ever got it right.

Eventually, I would work out the best way forward and continue my journey.

Whenever I needed help or advice, I would reach out to local lawn-mowing contractors.

Most of them did not want the competition, so they would not help.

One of the significant advantages of a franchise is that the contractors work together.

However, I think that might be a tad expensive at a hundred dollars plus per week.

success in growing a business

The lawnmowing101 method.

I like the idea of the training, manuals, and community, and this got me thinking. Why not do something similar for small independent lawn-mowing businesses around New Zealand?

A written road map that helps you grow your lawn mowing business and turn it into a highly profitable lifestyle business.

And why not start the pricing at “free” and charge a fraction of what the franchises do for courses, training and live Q&A calls?

I love the lawn mowing industry and have been growing and selling lawn mowing businesses since 1987. I am now getting close to retirement, and this is my way of keeping in touch with an industry I love and giving back.

My wife and I currently run a lawn mowing business with over 150 lawns that we run less than 20 hours a week. That gives me time to work on lawnmowing101, which aims to help anyone build a lawnmowing business and get it right the first time with some guidance.

You will learn everything I know and a lot of growth hacks that I have learned through trial and error. I have NEVER shared this information with anyone before. It was my secret weapon.

Today is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor at never to be repeated prices.

Including a free plan if you don’t want the training but would like to hang in the community.

You will learn

  • how to put your business on autopilot,

  • Work from a van making big money on small lawns

  • how to increase your turnover every year without working harder.

The site is new and hasn’t been going long but it already has tons of free information on building your business, and you know what they say about early birds.

Learn how to grow a lawn mowing business the fast way.

See you on the inside.


Lawnmowing101 Membership

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