Man thinking about a name for his lawn mowing business

Naming Your Lawn Mowing Business.

After spending the last 30 years building and selling lawn care businesses, I have learned that naming your business is one of the most important decisions you can make. If you get this wrong, it can hinder your chances of ever building a successful lawn care business.

What name should you use for your lawn care business?

  • Your name should be easy to remember and spell
  • It needs to be available and not similar to anyone else’s name
  • It helps to have your main service in your name
  • Your name should ideally relate to the service you provide.

Choosing the right lawn care business name is more of an exercise in avoiding mistakes than anything else. Some names can damage the chances of your business ever-growing, so you need to know what not to do.

I will also give you a few places to get name ideas later in this article.

Step 1 – You must answer some questions before choosing a name.

The first two things you need to determine when deciding on a business name are.

  • Will you ever be selling your lawn care business?
  • Do you have plans for world domination, or are you happy to keep a small business in the same area for the life of your business?

I’m not trying to be funny here, and you may think these questions are a bit odd, but there is a method behind the madness.

If you are ever considering selling your business, don’t name it after yourself. Having a business using your name can be hard to sell. McDonald’s may be able to do this, but you will find it harder.

Now you need to decide what you want to do with your business.

  • Do you want to grow it past a one-vehicle business?
  • Do you intend ever to operate anywhere other than where you are currently working?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you shouldn’t have your suburb or town in your name either.

If you started another business an hour from your place, you probably wouldn’t want your current suburb in the name.

We have discussed the pitfalls of using your name or location; we will discuss a couple of things you should do.


Make your name easy to remember. Test it with your family and friends. Ask them what they think and see if they remember it a couple of days later. Your name should have stick-ability.

When coming up with a name, don’t try to be smart and spell the name using another letter like “Kice Lawnz.” You will make it hard to find your business online or in a directory, which will not help you or your potential customer.

Something else you should do is put your main service in your name like “lawns” or “lawnmowing. Then anyone looking at your business name will instantly know what you do, and there will be no confusion. I like to use the rule of thumb that your name and logo should be easy to read and clearly indicate what you do when viewed from across the street. Have you ever driven behind a van and looked at the signwriting without knowing what their business does? Don’t be that guy.

Sometimes a name can imply something else or be offensive. Do keep this in mind. A local guy bought 100 lawns and changed the business name to “Up Your Grass.” I couldn’t believe it. He didn’t stay in the lawn care business for long.

Another thing to watch out for is double meanings. I knew someone with a lawn care business called “Shortcuts.” That gives the customer a mixed message. Does he cut lawns super short? Does he take shortcuts when mowing a lawn? Neither are good. That business did alright and is still around today, but I wonder if it would have done better with another name.

Once you have a name in mind, you can move on to the next steps.

Step 2 Come up with a name.

Once you haven’t already got a name in mind, you may want to visit ChatGPT

Type in a prompt like “Can you come up with some good catchy, original name that is easy to remember for a lawn mowing business?

Once you have some names, you could also try adding this prompt to the end. “Can you come up with some good catchy, original name that is easy to remember for a lawn mowing business? I am based in (your town), and my name is (your name). Could you please include one of there in some of the names?”

Keep on regenerating responses until you see a name you like.


Step 2 You need to check your new name idea.

Once you have an idea for your business name, you must check to ensure it is available. The easiest way to do this is to type the name into a Google search and see what comes up. If you cannot find anything, search to see if the domain name is available. If so, check the national business register quickly to ensure that the name is not registered. If not, you are good to go. You can search the New Zealand or Australian records of companies. However, not a lot of lawn mowing businesses bother with name registration.

If your chosen name is unavailable, don’t worry too much about it, as I have a couple of places you can look for ideas.

With a name like “Lawn Ranger,” you might find a few people using the name in your country, but as long as they are in another city and you are not set on world domination, that should not be a problem. When you travel, Keep an eye out for the lawn care vehicles and signage around your suburb.

Good luck coming up with your business name, and I have attached an image of our logo and tagline below to give you an idea of what we did. 

Gecko Lawns logo and Tagline

For more help and tips Join the lawnmowing101 community, we would love to see you there.  

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